Formations Professionnelles
Stage de langue haute-savoie, Perfectionnement anglais 74

Alpine Rainbow
Aimer Réussir

Dif haute-savoie, Droit individuel à la formation annecy

Mentions Légales

Intercultural Management

Your line of business is international?

Your company employees come from different cultures?

Some of your Customers, Suppliers or Partners are foreign?

Beyond language, people's culture shows in how they work,
how they negociate and how they close business deals.

Those who will know how to exploit these differences to the benefit of their companies
will make the most of, and best serve, their customers, suppliers, employees and partners.
Those who will ignore or misunderstand these differences pave their own path with the shelves on which they'll stumble and crash.

To help you join the "winners" of international development, we offer you:

  • Our Intercultural Management training course
    or how to best interact with your foreign stakeholders
  • Buying, selling, offering a service, negociating a contract, collaborating with foreign collegues or within a partnership, performing fusions or acquisitions, or managing a company, are all activities where sociocultural factors have a key impact on how to efficiently reach your objectives.
  • Download our Brochure for more detailed and explicit information.

This training course is delived in English.

Also, beyond simply training you, we offer to advise you and assist you through personalised consultancy work on how to enact intercultural management in your own company.