Information and useful links
Stage de langue haute-savoie, Perfectionnement anglais 74

Alpine Rainbow
Aimer Réussir

Dif haute-savoie, Droit individuel à la formation annecy

Mentions Légales

Useful information

The following information (in French) will help you better understand the French in-service training framework.

Do not hesitate asking us for more detailed help, or information in English.

Sur le CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation, i.e. Personal Training Account)...
The synthesis and the ‘total package’...
THE CPF website, for information or to register for a course
Articles of the Labour Code relating to the CPF
On vocational training in general
Loi du 5 septembre 2018 (n° 2018-771) "pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel"
This is the law that completely reshaped vocational training in France. And it is the law that is still in force today.
OPCOs : what are they? , what do they do? , the list of the 11 OPCOs
FAFs: what are they? , what do they do? , the list of all the FAF
France Compétences : Body responsible for financing, regulating and improving the vocational training and apprenticeship system in France
A bit of history...
Historical time-line of vocational training reforms in France
Loi du 5 mars 2014 (n° 2014-288) "relative à la formation professionnelle, à l'emploi et à la démocratie sociale"
The law that created the CPF, which now replaces the DIF.
Loi du 24 novembre 2009 (n° 2009-1437) "relative à l'orientation et à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie"
This is the law that has (attempted to) correct the shortcomings and errors of Law 2004-391 on the DIF.
Le texte de la loi du 4 mai 2004 (n° 2004-391) "relative à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie et au dialogue social":
The law which introduced the DIF, which has now been replaced by the CPF..
La Loi du 16 juillet 1971 (n° 71-575), dite "Loi Delors", "portant organisation de la formation professionnelle continue dans le cadre de l'éducation permanente"
THE founding stone of vocational training in France

If you need further information or links on professional training, languages or any other subject related to our services, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: or via our "Contact" form.